Why The Check Engine Light Is On

6 March 2017
 Categories: , Blog

When the check engine light comes on, it can signify that numerous things are wrong with your vehicle. The light is not something that you should simply ignore, even if there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with the engine. Keep in mind that the engine might not even be related to the light in your dashboard coming on. If you don't figure out why the engine light is on, the cause of the problem will simply continue to get worse. Discover some important information in regards to the check engine light in a vehicle.

Engine Oil Leaks Out of the Hose

One thing that can cause the check engine light to come on is a lack of oil in your vehicle. You might need to get the hose checked that delivers oil into the engine if there is a leak present. The hose can have a few holes or cracks in it that need to be repaired. An auto service mechanic might be able to use a sealant product to reserve the hose. However, it depends on the severity of damage, as your vehicle might need a new hose installed.

The Catalytic Converter is Problematic

When the catalytic converter has a problem, it is unable to catalyze exhaust gases as it should. The problem is considered dangerous because the gases are more harmful to your health before they have been catalyzed by the converter. There are meshes inside of a catalytic converter that can become worn out with time. You might need to get the meshes replaced to stop the check engine light from coming on. The entire converter can be replaced if repairs to the internal parts aren't possible.

Very Little Fuel is Making it to the Engine

The check engine light might be on in your vehicle because there is a problem with the fuel. For example, there is a part that is called the mass airflow sensor that plays a big role in fuel getting sent to the engine. If your vehicle has been running out of fuel a lot sense you notice the check engine light on, the mass airflow sensor might need to get repaired. The mass airflow sensor is designed to distribute the fuel based on the amount of air that is sensed in the engine. Getting a new mass airflow sensor installed in your vehicle might be the only thing that is necessary for the check engine light to go off.
